Add facebook share button in website

Add share facebook button in the website
Having social connectivity for your business or website is must thing nowdays. Sometimes it is hard for a non technical person to find a easy way to add such functionality to the website without any or less coding required. You can add facebook share and like button on your website so user could share about your website on their timeline with just a click. It is really important because more your website or business is shared on social media, you will more likely to get good traffic and customers.
By using following methods, you can insert facebook share button on your website. I will go with the easiest first.

Add share button using <a> anchor tag
<a href="" target="_blank"> Share on Facebook</a>

You need to update “” with your website URL that you want to share. You can update the text between <a> tag to anything and stylize your button based on your website

For Facebook share with an image without an API and using a # to deep link into a sub page, the trick was to share the image as picture= The variable mainUrl would be

var d1 = $(‘.targ .t1’).text();

var d2 = $(‘.targ .t2’).text();

var d3 = $(‘.targ .t3’).text();

var d4 = $(‘.targ .t4’).text();

var descript_ = d1 + ‘ ‘ + d2 + ‘ ‘ + d3 + ‘ ‘ + d4;

var descript = encodeURIComponent(descript_);

var imgUrl_ = ‘path/to/mypic_’+id+’.jpg’;

var imgUrl = mainUrl + encodeURIComponent(imgUrl_);

var shareLink = mainUrl + encodeURIComponent(‘mypage.html#’ + id);

var fbShareLink = shareLink + ‘&picture=’ + imgUrl + ‘&description=’ + descript;

var twShareLink = ‘text=’ + descript + ‘&url=’ + shareLink;

// facebook

$(“.my-btn .facebook”).off(“tap click”).on(“tap click”,function(){

var fbpopup =“” + fbShareLink, “pop”, “width=600, height=400, scrollbars=no”);return false;


// twitter

$(“.my-btn .twitter”).off(“tap click”).on(“tap click”,function(){

var twpopup =“” + twShareLink , “pop”, “width=600, height=400, scrollbars=no”);


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Picture of Sahibjot Singh

Sahibjot Singh

Hi, I am Sahibjot Singh. A web designer/developer and email marketing automation specialist from last 7 years. While working all these years, i had been running into many problems for which it was really hard for me to find solutions.

But I was able to find solutions with my technical skills and taking help from different sources.

I realised there are plenty of other business owners and non-technical people who need solutions to the same problem. That is why I post various solutions that are not currently available online.



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